Friday, 27 March 2009

Social Networking Diigo

Well we didn't actually get to discuss this one on  Wednesday but it is a very interesting site to bookmark all of your references. Not only can bookmark websites, but you can also highlight sections of the article that you are after and bookmark that part and add notes to it. Which i think is an awesome way to be able to organize all of your references because you don't always need all of the web site for you bibliography just part of it. I actually haven't subscribed to this site as I have so many already and because I m using Delicious already, but I am seriously thinking of changing them over.

You don't need to pay for this site either which is good and and once again doesn't take long to subscribe you just need to give them a few details.

Well I didn't want to talk to much about this one I wanted to see if any of you have played around with this site and what do you think about it??


Social Networking: LibraryThing

So on wednesday we were discussing all of the great elements that Delicious had which we all seemed to agree that it was a very useful site to arrange your references. I now want to add to the discussion by putting forth to you all about LibraryThing. Now I think that early in the semester I have discussed this before because we needed to look at it for Information Provisions but I have some things I would like to add now that I have used it a lot more and are now able to spot the similarities and differences between the other sites that have talked about.

Ok, so what does LibraryThing do? Well it is a way of being able to catalogue all of your books that you have read or that are in your book selves that you haven't read. Now you have them all in one place and you can share them with other people all of the world. They can look at what you have and also make suggestions for further reading. Which I think is awesome. This is what I find very interesting about this site as you come across things that you may never have thought about and you also get to talk to people who like the same things as you. You can also write reviews and you can also get free books as well if you write a review for it.

The creators describe LibraryThing as follows: "Librarything is an online service to help people catalog their books easily. You can access you catalog from anywhere - even from you mobile phone. Because everyone catalogs together, LibraryThing also connects people with the same books, comes up with suggestions for what to read next, and so forth".

I don't think that it requires a particular browser as you are able to connect to LibraryThing anywhere. I thing that you just need a simple browser like Firefox or for Macs Safari. You also don't need any additional software as they have provided all of that. To collect all of their information for their books they use Endnote, Amazon and other libraries. So I guess that it is very similar to Endnote because they are collecting all of their references they just are not putting in as a bibliography.

It is very different to favourites and I think that it is more of a personal bookmarking than other sites we have discussed. With favourites it is mainly to bookmark your websites but with LibraryThing you are I guess bookmarking your books. If that makes any sense at all. 

It has a lot of social features as you are connecting to many, many, many people around the world and they can share all of your books and you can share theirs, awesome. All you need to like anything else is to subscribe to Librarything. This allows you to have up to 200 books in your catalog, if you want to had more than you need to pay either $10 for a year or $25 for a life time.

It is worth a look at so I hope that I have convinced you,

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Social Networking: Delicious.

Delicious is a way to be able to bookmark all of your websites and keep them grouped together. This way you don't have to continue to type in URL'S which is great time saver. The creators describe it "as social bookmarking service that allows users to tag, save, manage and share webpages from a centralized source". This is a great time saver and something that I would have used if I had of known about it earlier. Just think about all that free time and organization skills I would gained from using this site during year 12 and my uni days. It is a great way to get all of your information and references in the one place. It isn't like endnote where you can actually transfer the references into the actual document but it is a way to keep them together. So I guess that is what the differences and similarities are between them. Endnote you are able to create the bibliography and then move them into your document. But with Delicious you can only have the references in the one place and you still need to make your bibliography separately. The other thing is that it is only for websites. You can't actually put your book references in Delicious.

I think that Catherine said that you can only use it in Firefox, but I am on Safari for Macs and it seems that you are able to use it ok although I haven't had a look at all of the features yet.I think that Delicious is a much better way of organizing your websites than Favourites. I used to use Favourites because I didn't know of anything else and I don't feel that there is much organization at all with this program. You can add folders and keep them all together but with Delicious you can access them any where you are no matter what computer and you can't do that with Favourites. 

It seems to have a lot of features: you can send them to friends by creating a network. Which is a great way to sharing all your sites and information. You can tag your bookmarks which I am now learning a lot about and starting to benefit by using them. You can also find out what other people are bookmarking who might have the same interests as you.    

It is a free service and all you need to is subscribe like most things these days. Thankful they don't really take that long to do otherwise we will be subscribing all day.

So those are my thoughts on Delicious and I will be using them in the future.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009


Well I at the moment I am obsessed with Cirque de Soleil most likely because they are here in Melbourne at the moment and this always happens to me when I want to see the. You have to watch these short Videos from Varekai because they are the most amazing thing that I have ever seen. It would be so awesome to be there to watch them perform on the Russian Swings which I also have on DVD and I have watched it that many times that my DVD is now stuffed and doesn't work. Well I guess that is where YouTube comes in. I do however feel like I am cheating the system a little since you can download them for free but I did already have the DVD and I am only watching small bits of the show. So I guess that of I really feel bad then I will end up buying it again. The really good thing about YouTube is that you can find almost anything that you can possible imagine. And it is all at the tip of your fingers, literally. Think of all the possibilities not to mention the artists out there that are trying to get published. What better way than to post it on YouTube and you never know you might get noticed.

So I guess that I am a bit of a fan of YouTube and if I had broadband at home I would probably be on it quite a bit looking for those unusual videos that you may never have thought about. But I guess that you also have to be really careful with the wording of search because you might get something that you did not intend to look for. I don't know as yet what they censorship is on YouTube but it would have to be pretty good because any kid at any age can have access to it.

Well my final thoughts YouTube is a great to look for stuff that might interest me. I hope to continue on this never ending journey of learning new search engines (other than Google) and getting in touch with what is out there.


Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Digg and Stumble Upon

Well I am learning a lot more about these sites and figuring out how they work. They are great ways to be able to connect to the news without having to worry about getting the paper all the time. You are also about to digg or stumble what ever issue interests you the most and ignore the rest. There are lots of sites available so you can alway stay in touch with whatever is happening no matter where you are in the world. I had a go and digging and stumbling and these are some of the ones that I came across. 

For Digg I came found a very interesting site about the new advance technology for PC computers. The article is called Personal Super computer. If you read this you will discover how much we advance in technology in the future. The one that I had a look at was called Why is blockbusters suffering?. Its basically trying to find out who is the blame for the lack of good films instead of either admitting it themselves or trying to fix it.

For Stumble Upon  i found some interesting videos from u-tube but because of dial up I was unable to download them properly. So this i will definitely need to do where I can access to broadband.

I find these sites really fun and interactive and I hope that I will use them a lot more in the future.


Learning new gadgets

Well this certainly has been a very interesting learning experience for as I am now starting to be able to learn things without always asking for help. And believe me when it came to wanting to load a slideshow on my blog I was very tempted to straight up to someone who knew what they were talking about and ask them what to do. But I have discovered that in doing that you are never able to remember what you have just been taught when you don't always figures things out for yourself. Now I know what to make a slideshow by using Flickr and I don't think that I will ever forget. It wasn't because it was such a long process it was because it was something new. And learning something new always terrifies me. I have now come to embrace it though and I now look forward to learning new things instead of passing it over to someone else. 

I now have another page that I have subscribed to and I am glad that all of this is for free otherwise I would have no money left by the end of this course. candice perini this is the link to my flickr site. There aren't that many photos on it at the moment mainly just the ones on my slideshow but eventually I will add more now that I know what to do.


Thursday, 19 March 2009


Well I have subscribed to Twitter but found that it seemed very similar to Facebook. Are they just the same thing? I think that Amy was saying on her blog that she enjoys Twitter. What is the difference? I guess the layout and perhaps some of the applications are different. But other than that it still as that some addictive craze to it that Facebook supposedly has. 

With all of this social networking everyone can stay in touch no matter what the circumstances are. I believe that you can also access Twitter via mobile phone which has been another application where you can to almost anything that you need in the palm of your hand.

This idea seems to become more important as technology improves and allows anyone no matter what their ability is in the technology is are able to use it quickly and easily.

What will happen next I wonder

My Ideas on Facebook.

Well I think that I have spoken to a few of you already about Facebook but I should also write a message on my own blog. As I have already said before I really do not understand the idea about Facebook and my friends at work our completely involved with it. It has come to a point with party invitations they now put up on Facebook instead of talking to you face to face. Which I find a problem since I am not on it that often (only for the purpose of this assignment) so I tend to miss out on all of these parties and outings. No one uses normal invitations anymore which I believe is a little sad. And they certainly don't seem to to call you in anymore. It is all on Facebook. 

I have also touched on the idea if it being a popularity contest which I find a bit silly, people just wanting to add anyone just to have a bigger list. Although it is good that you can ignore these people and only add the people that you want. 

I am finding all of this very interesting and I wonder what the web culture would be like in the future and if we are all going to be glued to the web instead of enjoying the outdoors. I am worried that sites like Facebook will entice people to become so much involved in it that they wont explore anything else.

Maybe I am just being pessimistic.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Podcast Alley

Well i decided to subscribe to podcast alley and I have found a couple of podcast that I have found that have been very interesting. The main was an interview with an animator (I cannot remember his name) but he did movies like Pocahontas. He was talking about how he started and how he was able to create this amazing animations. I am incredible interested in this as I try to animate things as a hobby. It is not easy to do so it is interesting to listen to a professional talk about the same struggles that I go through and how was able to get through them.

By the way, thanks Loretta for you input on creating URL links that was very helpful. Now all I need to learn is RSS feeds and I shall be a pro at all of this.


Sunday, 15 March 2009

Editing Wiki

Well I actually found this task rather daunting, mainly because there are so many articles out there. But I found one that was interesting for me to edit. I had to list a cast for 20,000 leagues under the sea. I couldn't figure out why they didn't have one already as it was easy to find. The only problem was, I didn't know how to do it. I let them know where I got the reference from and then I just put the cast list in. So it would be interesting to find out if that was OK, but there are so many articles that need fixing out there.


Saturday, 7 March 2009

The New Look

Well I  have been working on my blog and discovered that you do not have to stick with the same layout if you don't wont to and you can change it anytime. Which is what I have done. I didn't particularly like what I had originally chose just because I thought it was a bit drab, so I have found a new layout that I like. All you need to do is go to customize which is usually in the top right corner, click on layout, then click template and then you can chose whatever you want. Then you just need to save it and then view blog. It is as simple as that.


Thursday, 5 March 2009

100 words on library technician blog.

Well the one that I found the most interesting was Library In Black the url is It is a great site full of I thought really useful and interesting information. They layout is easy to use and does not take that long to load which is really important to me since I am still on dial up. My favourite part of it was one of the links which was WhoDitty which allows you to type in the lyrics of a song and search for what it is called and who wrote it. I find this a fantastic idea as I am constantly remembering small sentences of songs and can never remember when I  heard it. I will definitely be trying out this site in the future. It is also in a language that I can understand and it is really easy to follow. I recommend this site for you to take a look at and see how it operates.


1st Blog

Hi all,

Well this is my very first blog. Its not very exciting or inventive at the moment but I am hoping that you might be able to help me out. This is the first time that I have done this so it all new to me and I was quite surprised with our easy it actually was to create one. Now I just some ideas in how to make the blog more exciting to read.

Please let me know what you think!