For Digg I came found a very interesting site about the new advance technology for PC computers. The article is called Personal Super computer. If you read this you will discover how much we advance in technology in the future. The one that I had a look at was called Why is blockbusters suffering?. Its basically trying to find out who is the blame for the lack of good films instead of either admitting it themselves or trying to fix it.
For Stumble Upon i found some interesting videos from u-tube but because of dial up I was unable to download them properly. So this i will definitely need to do where I can access to broadband.
I find these sites really fun and interactive and I hope that I will use them a lot more in the future.
I took a look at that article you 'dugg'. Apart from being a bit technical, it did seem to say that the processing power of computers was going to advance incredibly over the next few years. Then we will be left with the software trying to catch up with the new hardware developments. Thanks for placing the link on your blog to look at.