Thursday, 19 March 2009

My Ideas on Facebook.

Well I think that I have spoken to a few of you already about Facebook but I should also write a message on my own blog. As I have already said before I really do not understand the idea about Facebook and my friends at work our completely involved with it. It has come to a point with party invitations they now put up on Facebook instead of talking to you face to face. Which I find a problem since I am not on it that often (only for the purpose of this assignment) so I tend to miss out on all of these parties and outings. No one uses normal invitations anymore which I believe is a little sad. And they certainly don't seem to to call you in anymore. It is all on Facebook. 

I have also touched on the idea if it being a popularity contest which I find a bit silly, people just wanting to add anyone just to have a bigger list. Although it is good that you can ignore these people and only add the people that you want. 

I am finding all of this very interesting and I wonder what the web culture would be like in the future and if we are all going to be glued to the web instead of enjoying the outdoors. I am worried that sites like Facebook will entice people to become so much involved in it that they wont explore anything else.

Maybe I am just being pessimistic.

1 comment:

  1. It can feel like being shut out when EVERYTHING is on facebook. It's crazy - I do have friends who are not computer pr internet people and will never get into this kind of thing, and I think that there are many people who this sort of thing doesn't suit.
    I don't think it'll ever get to be that facebook et al replaces reality, merely that it becomes integrated as part of reality - tactile world and online world. At least that's the way I co-ordinate things.

    It does seem like these new technologies invoke pessimism fairly often in those unfamiliar with them. I felt the same way about horrible, horrible myspace. I still hate that site, and refuse to use it more than absolutely necessary. thanks to my friends using facebook now rather than myspace the answer is barely ever. But I have to visit once in a while because my favourite band posts updates on tours/releases there.
